Psychospiritual work
Whatever is going on in our lives, often without us realizing consciously, there is always the opportunity to learn and grow towards the light.
Our life on earth is all about living in a physical body with the bitter sweetness and beauty of emotion and soul and moving towards remembering this light. Expressing our true Humanity.
To see our experiences as being sent to us in order for us to have the opportunity to grow.
By bringing more consciousness and a sense of meaning to relationships, experiences and feelings we can move beyond the need to repeat patterns.

We will continue to find situations and feelings repeating in our lives as we need to re experience, often in slightly different though familiar ways, so we can have the opportunity to do something differently.
Slowly (or sometimes more quickly!) we will wake up and be able to see things with new eyes. Feeling the relief and empowerment of expanded awareness….until the next lesson.
Lessons will show themselves within our inner struggles, in our physical bodies, in dreams, in worries, within relationships, situations and within family and friendships.
Our doubts and fears, what we were or are being told to believe that is true, often mean we hold ourselves back from acknowledging our true heart felt discernment and power.
The capacity to accept ourselves and love and be loved for who we are right now.
How to stay in a calmer, more present state whilst also being aware and experiencing the difficulties that may be going on. That is what we will learn together.
This requires us to develop the capacity in our nervous systems to feel safe enough to experience discomfort, pain and confusion, and to know that all will pass, but without denying the feelings we feel.
To feel held by something bigger and to feel and spread gratitude and blessing as part of our daily lives.
When we work together we are also always serving the light.
What is our relationship asking of us in order for us to grow towards the celebration of connection, love and Joy. How can we help each other grow towards the light?
What is our soul asking of us in order to grow so we can be truly authentic and sovereign and of true service to ourselves and others.